
Random notes from a security-aware software engineer, open-source advocate and occasional lecturer.

Let’s Encrypt: Manual Mode, Docker and Nginx

Let’s Encrypt is a nice way to get domain verified SSL certificates valid for all modern browsers easy, fast and free of charge. By default, however, the letsencrypt tool will modify your servers configuration to archive the verification.

I do not want to have a tool modify (and possibly break) my configuration. So here is a way to do the whole thing manually and mostly separated from your server (and your configuration) while still keeping the whole process very easy.

This article is based on Using Let’s Encrypt in manual mode by Thomas Pircher. I recommend reading the full article to understand what the separate steps do and why it is used in the way, it is used.

The Tools

Launch Docker Container

We use Fedora version 23 or later as image for our container since letsencrypt is already packaged in there and we do not need to install it manually. Apart from that, the operating system should not matter at all since we only temporarily need the container.

docker run -i -t fedora:23 bash

Now install letsencrypt by running:

dnf install letsencrypt

Finally, get the automation script from Thomas. Make sure to modify this script for your person. This means especially:

You also might want to increase the key size and get a 4096 bit key, though a 2048 bit key should suffice at the moment:

openssl req  […]  -newkey rsa:4096  […]

Store this script as something like and we are ready to get our certificate.

Get Certificate

Now run the script with all domains you want to create a certificate for as arguments, like this:


Answer with yes if asked if it is fine to publish your IP address and you will see letsencrypt starting a BaseHTTPServer to serve your verification key on port 80. This would obviously problematic if you already have an HTTP server running on that port and do not want to take it down for a while. So here comes the tricky part where we use our regular HTTP server to serve this key.

First of all we need to get the key and the location it needs be be served from. For this, look for a line in the script output that looks like this:

printf "%s" 7CWAlzYV-6Z… > .well-known/acme-challenge/7CWAlzY…

Which is basically:

printf "%s"  [verification-code] > [path-to-serve]

What we need to do is just to ensure that our web-server serves this key at the given path. If you have your server configured to just deliver files, you can simply put a file containing the verification code in the right place of your file system. It is a bit harder if you use your server for a web application (e.g. as proxy).

If that is the case, modify your Nginx configuration to serve the verification code directly by adding a configuration like this:

location /.well-known/acme-challenge/7CWAlzY… {
 	return 200 '7CWAlzYV-6Z…'
	add_header Content-Type text/plain;

Now go back to your Docker container and hit return to let the letsencrypt script continue. You will have to repeat serving the verification code for every domain. After the certificate is generated, you do not have to serve the verification code any longer.

Applying Certificate

Copy the certificate to your server:

scp 0001_chain.pem certs/[domain]/privkey1.pem

Finally, add it to your web-server’s configuration

server {
   listen              443 ssl;
   ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/yourdomain.key;
   ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/yourdomain.pem;
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