lkiesow ⋄ weblog

Random notes from a security-aware software engineer, open-source advocate and occasional lecturer.

Nginx As Fast Maven Repository Proxy

With Opencast we are using Sonatype Nexus as repository manager for a while to proxy and combine several other maven repositories and host a very few of our own artifacts.

Since we are an international open source project we even have set-up multiple Nexus servers all around the world to speed things up for users with most of them just mirroring our main server.

While that works just fine, there are several problems with this approach, the most important ones being:

Especially due to the gigantic memory consumption I was tempted to write my own repository manager with less features but better performance and less resource consumption but thinking about this I came to the conclusion that what I needed is a proxy server with caching. Something Nginx has built in.

Let’s try it!

Minimal Set-Up

For a first tests, let’s just set-up a proxy server for a maven repository. If that works, we can then deal with caching. A minimal Nginx configuration for a proxy would look like this:

server {
  listen       80;

  location / {

Nothing fancy here, but this should already work and you can test a Maven build against this. It should be relatively slow, though, since Nginx will request all resources from the upstream repository. Basically, all artifacts are now making a detour over the new server.

If that works, let’s introduce caching:

proxy_cache_path /var/lib/nginx/cache levels=1:2
                                      max_size=10g inactive=1M

server {
  location / {
    proxy_cache maven_cache;

This will enable basic caching. The options to proxy_cache_path define the size and location of the cache. Here, the cache will be stored at /var/lib/nginx/cache.

With this set and Nginx restarted, the first build should still be slow since the cache needs time to fill up, but subsequent requests should be much faster since artifacts are now served from cache. Or are they not?


Remember that Nginx is usually caching web applications which regularly change their content but with hundreds of requests per minute. Hence caching defaults are set to update caches fairly regularly and to throw out old cache items. For a maven repository proxy I expect much less requests. I am also pretty sure that upstream content never changes. For example, xy-1.2.3.jar should stay the same or become xy-1.2.4.jar.

This is something we should consider for our configuration. The good thing is that Nginx has hundreds of options tu tune its behavior. Here is my configuration:

proxy_cache_path …

server {
  location / {
    # Use a specific caching zone for this proxy. The zone is
    # defined in proxy_cache_path.
    proxy_cache maven_cache;

    # Proxy to a specific host

    # Use stale caches whenever possible if there seems to be an
    # upstream error so that repository will work even if upstream
    # is down.  Additionally, use the stale files if an asset is
    # just being updated.
    proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500
                          http_502 http_503 http_504;

    # Cache successful retrieved files for a long time (a month)
    # before updating them. Usually, we should always be able to
    # retieve files from upstream again, hence I am updating this
    # once a month. If you are not so sure about that, set it to
    # several years (centuries?)
    proxy_cache_valid 200 1M;

    # Since we are caching artifacts for a long time, it may make
    # sense to not cache everything as soon as it is requested
    # once (e.g. for testing) but only cache artifacts which are
    # requested fairly regularly. For example, this will require
    # an artifact to be requested three times before it is
    # cached..  That should happen pretty fast with artifacts
    # actually used in production.
    proxy_cache_min_uses 3;

    # To reduce traffic, this can be set to only retrieve an asset
    # once if it requested and make all other people requesting the
    # same artifact wait until the first process has finished. This
    # may reduce the speed for initial requests (except for the
    # first one) but reduces the bandwith used. This should be no
    # problem if your artifacts are reasonable small.
    proxy_cache_lock on;

    # This allows starting a background subrequest to update an
    # expired asset, while a stale cached response is returned to
    # the client.  Note that this requires Nginx version 1.11.10.
    #proxy_cache_background_update on;

For more information and additional options, please check the official ngx_http_proxy_module documentation.


Checking the performances, in the end there was no big difference between Nginx and our main Nexus server when it came to build time. It was roughly the same with most of the time being spent on tests, compiling, … anyway.

That said, I did not do a proper performance test yet but just did two builds with empty local Maven caches each from Osnabrück, Germany and Saskatchewan, Canada which yielded similar results except for the Osnabrück build against Nexus being a bit faster. But then, the nexus is actually located in Osnabrück.

The set-up:

What was interesting was that the whole Nginx VM was using only 50MB RAM, so there was a lot to spare which I cannot say for Nexus.

Of course, this is not a proper performance test since the set-ups are so much different. I will make a proper test using one of our real repository servers and publish the results later. But this already hints at Nginx being way more efficient and with it being packaged in most modern Linux distributions it is definitely easier to set-up and much easier to maintain.

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