
Random notes from a security-aware software engineer, open-source advocate and occasional lecturer.

SSH Jumphost for the Internal Network

Having an internal network is nice, but it also makes it harder for legitimate users to log into and thus use machines. Having a public SSH jump-host is a mechanism to give users access by having SSH automatically tunnel connections through this machine.

Imagine it like you would first log into that machine to then execute a second SSH command on that machine, which then causes you to end up on the internal machine. Just without doing all of this manually. As a user, you can just log into internal machines and SSH magically takes care of the additional hop.

Similar to the set-up of dnsmasq, you can use the Proxmox server itself as jump-host or set up a dedicated client machine or container to be used for this task.

This guide describes both ways, but you can skip lots of steps if you decide to use the Proxmox server itself. In that case, jump straight to DNS Resolution.

Using a Virtual Machine or Container

Create a Debian container with 64 MB of RAM and assign it a static IPv4 address on the internal network. Make sure the IPv4 address is unique and does not clash with already assigned addresses. I have assigned to Proxmox and will use for the SSH jump-host. Also make sure to set up your internal DNS server for this machine to be able to resolve internal domain names.

Make sure to update the container as usual:

❯ apt update
❯ apt upgrade

Setting up the SSH Server

Now that we have the environment, we can set up the OpenSSH server. On your Proxmox server, you already have this. Even on a container, the openssh-server might even already be installed in your container. Still, to be sure, run:

❯ apt install openssh-server

Then, start and enable sshd:`

❯ systemctl start sshd.service
❯ systemctl enable sshd.service

Root Login

The first thing to decide after setting up sshd is if you want to allow logging in via the root user. This account is often attacked first and therefore, many people choose to disallow logins via this account or allow rrot to only login via SSH keys.

You can configure this by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting either of these options:

PermitRootLogin yes
PermitRootLogin no
PermitRootLogin without-password

After changing the option, restart sshd:

❯ systemctl restart sshd.service

If you decide not to allow logins via root, you can still login via Proxmox and create new users from there. However, this might become somewhat cumbersome if you need to modify users regularly. In that case, you could add a new management user and allow it sudo privileges. The steps are similar to the user creation down below, only that you would assign a regular shell and add the user to the sudo group or add sudo privileges via /etc/sudoers like this:


Then prepare adding an SSH key by adding an authorized_keys file with the correct permissions for this user.

Testing SSH

With your current set-up, you should now be able to SSH into this machine from your Proxmox server or any other machines on the internal network:

❯ ssh
root@'s password:
Linux ssh-jump 5.13.19-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.13.19-8 (Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:09:37 +0100) x86_64
Last login: Sun Feb 13 20:37:34 2022 from

Forwarding SSH Port

While we can SSH into the server, we could also SSH into any other server on the internal network in the same way. So, it’s time to expose the jump-host to the outside.

For that, we forward port 2222 on Proxmox to the new jump-host port 22 (SSH). To do that, on the Proxmox server, run:

❯ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i vmbr0 --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination

Make sure that your external network interface (vmbr0) and your destination address ( are correct.

You should now be able to log into your jump host from outside, by connecting to your Proxmox server on port 2222:

❯ ssh -p 2222's password:
Last login: Sun Feb 13 21:04:12 2022 from

Make Forwarding Persistent

Similar to the NAT configuration, we can put the iptables command into /etc/network/interfaces to automatically configure the forwarding whenever the networks comes up:

iface vmbr1 inet static
   post-up   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i vmbr0 --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination
   post-down iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -i vmbr0 --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination

DNS Resolution

For SSH to forward the connections to the internal hosts, it must be able to resolve the internal domain names. This is true only for the jump host. Users do not need to be able to so that on their local machines.

For example, on the jump host, I should be able to resolve, which is a machine in my internal network, and ping this machine:

❯ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.065 ms

If this does not work, make sure to add your local DNS server. The DNS settings when creating the container should have already taken care of this:

❯ cat /etc/resolv.conf 
# --- BEGIN PVE ---
# --- END PVE ---

Adding “Jump” Users

Adding a user only allowed to use the server to jump to other servers in the internal network, but not to actually log into the server itself, is quite simple. When creating a user, you just assign /bin/false as login shell:

❯ useradd -m -s /bin/false lars

Next, prepare the authorized_keys file:

❯ mkdir -m 700 /home/lars/.ssh
❯ touch /home/lars/.ssh/authorized_keys
❯ chmod 600 /home/lars/.ssh/authorized_keys
❯ chown -R lars:lars /home/lars/.ssh/

And finally, you would add the user’s SSH key to /home/lars/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Using the Proxy

You should now be able to use the jump-host to connect to machines in the internal network. However, if you try connecting to the jump-host itself, you will automatically be rejected:

❯ ssh -p 2222
Linux ssh-jump 5.13.19-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.13.19-8 (Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:09:37 +0100) x86_64
Connection to closed.

To tell SSH to jump over it, users have to edit their local SSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config and set something like:

# Configuration for proxmox client machines in internal network
# All connections need use the jump host
Host *
   User root

# Configuratiion for jump host
   Port 2222
   User lars
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/

The ProxyJump option instructs SSH to connect to the jump host before attempting to connect to the internal machines. The Host in this configuration is different from the actual HostName so that you can still have a configuration for Proxmox itself and SSH will not try using e.g. port 2222 when you try to connect there.

Now you can SSH into any internal machine as if they were on a public network:

❯ ssh's password:
Last login: Sun Feb 13 22:42:08 2022 from

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